We are Game of Bricks.
With 7+ years of experience

Welcome fellow lego heads

Are you passionate about LEGO?

Rely on us to deliver top-notch lighting sets that will elevate your creations. Our captivating and sturdy packaging guarantees a memorable unboxing experience, while keeping your lighting secure.

We're dedicated to providing only the best, which is why each Game of Bricks LED light kit undergoes a thorough quality evaluation before being deemed ready for use. Furthermore, every kit comes with clear, step-by-step instructions to ensure a hassle-free setup.

While we might not have every style or color available at all times, we're certain you'll find something to love in our collection. So take the plunge and join us on a thrilling adventure. Browse our offerings, with or without a specific lighting set in mind—you'll be glad you did. Once you've found the perfect match, place your order and relish the unboxing and installation experience upon delivery.

What truly sets us apart is our dedication to open communication. We encourage your feedback, helping us refine and enhance our service. We embrace constructive criticism, knowing that with your input, we'll only grow stronger.


CEO & Founder
Favorite quote: I'm not sure what I was good at as a kid. I was good at playing with LEGO.


CEO & Founder
Favorite quote: Keep calm and check the floor.


Bricklight Advisor
Favorite quote: Bricks build the set, customers build the experience.


Production Chief
Favorite quote: Every minifigure fears the dark; light up their LEGO world and watch them sparkle with courage.


Favorite quote: With a bucket of LEGO, you can tell any story. You can build an airplane or a dragon or a pirate ship - it's whatever you can imagine.


Brick Filmmaker
Favorite quote: Every LEGO tells a story; lighting makes it a legend.

Over 7 Years of Expertise

Our more than seven years of industry experience is a testament to our commitment to quality. With our in-depth understanding of your needs, you can trust us to provide
exceptional service.

100,000+ Happy Customer

With a global family of over 100,000 satisfied customers, we take pride in our ability to deliver top-notch products and outstanding customer care.

Superior Performance

Our high-quality light kits are designed to ensure a captivating and extraordinary performance. Rest assured that you're investing in a product that will truly enrich your experience.

Striking Design

Our goal is to offer visually stunning and innovative designs for all our kits, transforming your favorite sets into breathtaking masterpieces. Bring your LEGO® sets to life by lighting them up today!