Your Ultimate Guide to Lego Exo Force
Hello there. Today I’ll be guiding you all on your Lego Exo Force journey. Trust me, you would enjoy it and you would want more guides like this in the future. Without taking much of your time, let’s carry on.
Did you know that the Exo-Force story talked about fierce going pilots that made use of teamwork and their battle machines to battle odds which almost destroyed them against some devious evil robots?
The Storyline of Exo-Force
At the top of Sentai Mountain, there was a very peaceful group of people living in the presence of advanced robots, and an ancient method of living worked together in harmony and peace. One afternoon, just like that, out of no reason, there was a robot which was golden in color, her name was Meca. She led all the robots to start fighting with the humans and before one could say a word, it was an all-out battle. This unleashed energies that couldn't be controlled and it ended up breaking the mountain into two halves. Of course, the humans won the robots but it was a deadly battle. After humans won, they cast all of the robots into the gorge with Meca leading them.

After this point, humans then built bridges that linked the halves of the broken mountain. The essential part of the bridge which they built was called Tenchi which is also known as Earth and Heaven. Some humans like Keiken Sensei started creating battle armored machines which were to be used as weapons to defend them. Before these humans finished their preparations, a lot of robot armies armed themselves with their battle machines. This caught humans by surprise and before one knew what was happening, the robots seized control of the southern part of the divided mountain. The robots now more powerful than ever had an objective to completely chase humans from the Sentai mountain. Keiken Sensei with haste recruited brand new pilots who manned the new battle machines and that was the day the Exo force was born. Don’t worry, we would talk about how this is all associated with Lego and how the LEGO Exo Force came to be.
The storyline of the Exo Force for the year 2006 gathered at the Sentai Fortress Battle. That was the time when Meca One unleashed a complete assault on people. After surviving narrowly, Keiken agreed that the Exo Force was way too vulnerable to remain in the Sentai fortress. They simply needed a strong edge to kick the ass out of the robots. Without getting that edge, it would be difficult for humans to win.
The storyline from the year 2007 was centered on the discovery of Exo Force's legendary City of Gold which was discovered on top of Sentai Mountain. There were secret mysterious codes there. These were used to break and unlock powerful technology. Keiken hoped that these technologies would grant essential keys which help in kicking the ass and winning the robots.
From the storyline of the year 2008, the north part of the divided mountain was being conquered by these robots. A lot of the Exo Force pilots were kidnapped and held captive. Keiken Sensei was also captured. As sad as that might have been, he was held in the jungle by a variety of robots at the Sentai Mountain base.

All the remaining pilots needed to rescue their leader from this horrible environment which was in the middle of the jungle. And that was what gave these evil robots their power and life and it gave them the desire they had to make and watch everything burn. The plot here wasn’t resolved and the entire theme stopped after just one comic which is available on the internet.
Who adds the Characters of Lego Exo Force?
Though Exo Force has a variety of members, the official Lego sets have the following characters;
1. Hikaru (meaning shining or light)
This baby boy is a winner, he’s silent and rather serious. He loves and enjoys working alone. He also counts on his teammates. He is a commander and tactician naturally. He could seem logical and overly cold at times. He is skilled at fighting in the air and can shoot arrows specifically with no sweat.

2. Takeshi (meaning warrior, soldier)
This man is a little crazy, extremely fierce, and quite grim. He only lives for one and only one thing. He loves and enjoys smashing robots and their machines into little tiny pieces. He isn't like Hikaru because he loves to react with his gut and his instincts during periods of crises. He doesn't like to plan or react with logic.

3. Ryo (meaning clear, bright)
This guy moves and talks extremely fast. He is a whiz who works with any type of circuit or tool. He was a huge part of the team which designed and created a lot of the machines for the battle that is utilized by the Exo Force. Ryo remains extremely gifted when it comes to things like repair and engineering work. He has a high flair for improvisation technologically during periods of crisis.

4. Ha-Ya-To (meaning birdman)
This is someone who likes flying, jokes a lot, and is quite adventurous. He is comfortable and happy when he's not on the ground. He could put himself in harm's way just to be in the air. He loves the rush of fighting and ass-kicking so much. He always has something funny to say irrespective of how bad the situation at hand is.

5. Keiken (meaning our Sensei, man of wisdom and experience)
This is the wise and aged leader of Exo Force. Sensei Keiken has a very long history. He was the one that first created Meca. She later turned to the robot that started fighting humans as stated earlier. He is paternal and quite stern. He believes what he knows and he is respected by all who know him. He provides guidance and tutors young new pilots on how to kick the ass out of robots.

6. Hitomi (meaning pupil)
This baby girl is the grandchild of Keiken Sensei. She likes mechanical work right when she was a baby. She is smart-mouthed and very smart. She takes a lot of risks and she always feels she has something to prove. And we don't blame her. Imagine if your grand PA is as wise as Keiken Sensei. One time during a fierce robot attack, she had the chance to be the commander of a battle machine that was not tested. The battle machine was known as the blazing falcon. She used it to kick the ass out of the robots. Her level of heroism left Sensei without a choice but to add her as a full-fledged member of Exo Force. After Sensei Keiken got kidnapped by Mecca One, she was surprised that her grandpa left instructions that stated she would be the next leader of the Exo Force in case anything ever happened to him.

1. Meca One
Being the logical, ruthless and cold one, she is the first robot to start the rebel against people. She became the leader of the all robots army. She replicated herself in case anything ever happened to her. That’s why it was always more difficult for the members of Exo Force to target a Meca One and end the rebellion. Meca one has a gold color with very red eyes.

2. Devastator
These Devastators are cruel, cunning, and sly. They are silver robots and they are high-ranking troops who served during the rebellion of these robots. These devastators are known to leave their way and to cause horrible damages to human dwellers. They also chase wounded battle machines and make sure they finish them off completely. These Exo Force pilots always report seeing these devastators having a variety of colors.

3. Iron Drone
Have you seen a durable and strong robot before? If you haven't, you need to know about these iron drones. They are the foot soldiers of the robot army legions. They can follow orders. They are horrible at knowing what to do in situations that come up unexpectedly.

The LEGO Exo Force Comics
The Exo-Force books and comics were published and collaborated with Scholastic. Chapter books got canceled because the sales were poor.
Names and release Date
The Escape From Sentai Mountain was released in September 2006. The Attack of the Robots was released in December 2006. The Search for the Golden City came out in March 2007. Ghost of the Past was released in June 2007. The Race to the Golden City came out in September 2007. The Golden Doom wasn’t released because it got canceled, along with Jungle of Danger.
List of other comic books
The Play-Along Sticker Storybook came out on September 1, 2006. The Collector's Guide was released on March 1, 2007. The Activity Book came out on June 1, 2007. Action Manual came out in September 2007. Then the Secret of the Golden Tower came out in September 2007.
List of TV Commercials
The LEGO Group loved the Exo Force's story. It later created and designed a series of long format commercials which had about five minutes episodes which were seen on NickToons and Nickelodeon at the ending of January 2006. These five episodes could be seen on the official website. The complete Exo Force video could be found on Ghost Digital Production House's website.
The commercials include the following;
Legend of Sentai Mountain came out on January 23, 2006. Then Best of Human Exo-Force! which was released on January 24, 2006. Then Harsh Training of Exo-Force?! Which came out on January 25, 2006. Then the Failure of Exo-Force! Which came out on January 26, 2006. Then War Starts...! Which was released on January 27, 2006
List of Lego Toys
For the part, you've all been waiting for. A list of the LEGO sets available for this Lego theme. This includes a list of sets available officially from the Lego groups website and its magazines. There are a variety of alternative models and battle machines that have not gotten any names officially by Lego.
List of sets from the year 2006
In the year 2006, the motto for Exo Force was "Time to Power Up!"
1. 7700 Stealth Hunter
This was guarded by a stealth prototype coating which made it invisible to sensors. The stealth hunter made use of ultra-light glider Exo wings to fly without being detected at the back of the lines of the enemies. This took out the robotic targets making use of the dual bladed electro sword and laser which had high precision. This also had eight centimeters of armor which were intractium. This had a Dragon Winged Unit Designation. You could find a Hikaru Minifigure inside.
2. 7701 Grand Titan
It was armored heavily with about twenty centimeters of interaction metal. It also had an EMP, a laser cannon that rotated, and a pincer sword. This has a Dragon Fang Unit Designation. There’s a Takeshi Minifigure here. You could change the model to become a Titan Tracker

3. 7702 Thunder Fury
This Lego set is extremely fast looking at its size. It has twenty cm of tenatium armor. It has a power razorblade saw and an automatic high-density laser cannon that made it a major threat to the people of Sentai Mountain. This has a TF.7702 as its Unit Designation. You can see a Red Devastator Minifigure. Its other mode is Fire Fury.

4. 7703 Fire Vulture
This is a huge part of the air robot rebellion team. It has got ten cm of tenatium armor it easily flies making use of a hyper turbine jet which has got its engine mounted at the back. It is armed using a powerful very long-ranged fire thrower. It also has electro vulture claws which tear the armor of enemies to bits in seconds. This has an FV.7703 as its Unit Designation. There's a blue devastator Minifigure here. The other model is the Hover Hawk.

5. 7704 Sonic Phantom
It is powered by 4 engines where the powers are gotten from nuclear sources. The sonic phantom is great at making dangerous, quick air raids using its wide-angled laser cannons. There are concussions missile launchers too. Having an SP.7704 as its Unit Designation with a green Devastator. The other model is the Speeder Phantom.

6. 7705 Gate Assault
Here humans need to stop this robot from taking over the first gate. Haya talks to the pilots and he handles the Gate Defender little micro battle machine. This defends the humans against the robots when they come to attack. The sentry II battle machine and the R-1 Robot Rammer remain mining vehicles that are reconditioned. This gate defender has an A.02 Falcon Unit Designation. It has Ha-Ya-To, three iron drones, and a human soldier as its Minifigures. The other models are Blockade Bulldozer and Swift.

7. 7706 Mobile Defense Tank
This is armed using an energy disc launcher and some machine laser cannons. The tracked vehicles are created to fight robots that have rough terrains. This has a mountain climbing vehicle AT.02 Unit Designation. You get a Human Soldier and Ryo as Minifigures. The other models for this set include the Advance Tactical Unit.

8. 7707 Striking Venom
There’s a massively big mobile battle station. Here, venom strikes could recharge and carry robots during battle. The shovels available for this Lego set are used to dig and hide and then used to surprise enemies. This has an SV.7707 Unit Designation. There are six iron drones and Meca One. The other model is the Frontline Barricade.

9. 7708 Uplink
Apart from being a powerful machine used for battle, the uplink is created to be a medical van that is used for different machines used for battle. It contains wide built-in equipment maintenance which could get damaged battle machines running and up with haste. This has an AT.01 Tiger Unit Designation. You get a Ryo Minifigure. The other model is the Link Transporter.

10. 7709 Sentai Fortress
This is a robot army that is capable of attacking the entire Sentai Fortress!. This is piloted by Meca one. This is also accompanied by a mini venom walker and two Iron Drones. For one to counter-attack, Hikaru pilots a full-sized blue battle machine. That's the Silent Strike. Having an A.04 Sky king Unit Designation. There are two iron drones, a Meca One, Ha-Ya-To, Ryo, Takeshi, Hikaru, Keiken. Other models for this set include Blight runner, Sentai Tower.

11. 7711 Sentry
For massively produced sentries attack available in large numbers which are used to overwhelm opponents. The robots here completely expect that a variety of sentries attack in a very large number and they send these into battle. At times, they don't end up coming back and they do not care they just end up making more sentries. This has a Unit Designation of 7711. The Minifigure available here is the Iron Drone. There’s also the Laser Sentry.

12. 7712 Supernova
This is powered completely by the sun. The supernova makes use of its solar-powered staff which removes lasers and the laser double-barreled cannon to kick the ass out of robots. This has a Unit Designation of L.02 (Flame King). It has the Takeshi Minifigure. The other model is the Nova Crawler.

13. 7713 Bridge Walker vs. White Lightning
White lighting is a very fast-flying machine that's used to kick ass in battles. It has two machine cannons and a disk launcher. This takes on Meca One's titanic Bridge Walker. A massive machine used for the battle has missiles, cannons, and lasers. For this Lego set, Ha-Ya-To is the pilot for white lighting. This has a Unit Designation of A.03( also known as white thunder). The Minifigures include two devastators, Meca one and Ha-Ya-To. The other models include Raven Attacker and a Fire Eagle.

14. 7714 Golden Guardian
This was discovered on a Golden City Vault that’s secret. This is a legendary machine used for the battle which was assigned to Ha-Ya-To. He used it to guard the Golden Tower. Though it was land-bound initially, the Golden Guardian got fitted up using some jump jets which enabled it to make some powered rocket leaps and helped it fly for a short distance. It has armor that includes an almost impenetrable blast shield and a mega cannon arm.
It has a golden warrior A.11 Unit Designation and a Ha-Ya-To Minifigure.

15. The 7721 Combat Crawler X2
This is a mechanical massive menace pack that has twice the firepower and the danger as a result of its double battle machine which is in one. Available in combined mode, it could easily scale the cliffs of the Sentai Mountain or the Golden City walls using its prison capture cage, clawed legs, and strong cannon used for firing. Whenever the battle gets tough. The front end removes and it is used to fight using a raging robot battle machine created by itself. Ryo and the missile launching flyer for striking are used to stop both of them. If they could actually because it is somewhat difficult to prevent both of them from attacking at the same time.
It has a 7721 Unit Designation. There's a red devastator, an iron drone, and Ryo available as mini-figures.

16. 8100 Cyclone Defender
This is created by Ryo for the Golden Tower. The Defender of the Cyclone has about six armor of Zaylium. These are variable pulse blasters and defense shields that have defenses that rotate.
This has an AT.10 Unit Designation also known as Tiger 🐯. You can get yourself a Ryo Minifigure.

17. 8101 Claw Crusher
This has eight pieces of tenatium armor. It is also armed with gigantic ripping class and large rotating blaster cannons. These have massively produced little battle machines which serve as a great close combat threat. It has an 8101 Unit Designation and a devastator Minifigure.

18. 8102 Blade Titan
This is armored massively using twelve-inch of zaylium armor. This is a very strong battle machine that handles an arsenal that works with other weapons that are nothing but heavy-duty weapons. These weapons include a multi-barreled proton cannon. There are also double-bladed shields of assault that rotate and expand automatically.
It has a sharp blade L.10 Unit Designation. The Minifigure available here is the Takeshi.

This jet-powered battle machine has different wings. It also has a five-piece zaylium armor. It is the most agile and very fast too. It attacks opponents and destroys a lot of robots. The sky guardian's long-range launching sphere of energy or particle beam rifle doesn't take care of the slicing massive armor energy sword.
The speed of sound A.10 remains the Unit's designation. There's the Hikaru Minifigure available here.

This Shadow Crawler has some very strong laser cannons. It also has a destroyer launcher disk. There is about ten tenatium armor that covered stealth coating. The shadow crawler could fully operate using stealth scale and mode on any surface. They are mounted on each Shadow Crawler which could be a Prison pod used for human captives. The 8104 remains its designed unit. There's a green devastator and a skeleton which are Minifigures of this Lego set.

This has a screech that feels like Iron. As it is called, the iron condor needs to attack always in pairs of two. This has a six-piece tenatium armor, missiles that magnet its target, and sharp talons. There rob enemy battle machines and their maneuvering ability. This has an 8105 designed unit with a red devastator as a Minifigure.

22. 8106 Aero Booster
This Air Booster is known as a basic machine used to kick some ass at the battle. It has got weapons, an easily detachable rocket, there is massive weapons pack too. This awesome machinery piece lets the Aero Booster get speeds that exceed that of Sky Guardian. This also gives it stronger weapons which are superior to a lot of other machine battles used for any Exo Force’s group of weapons, which in other words supplies to its arsenal of war machines. Having a tiger A.12 designed unit, it has Ha-Ya-To as its available Minifigure.

23. 8107 Fight for the Golden Tower
One of the tallest buildings available in houses and the Golden City refers to a central knowledge and the massive computer. Being here remains a space in which the Exo Force has pilots who bring codes that have been retrieved to enter computers. Whenever the Sonic Raven attacks from the clouds using double rockets which are fired with double twin rotating turbines. Hitomi uses all its strength to attack the launching missile of the tower. There are golden swords of energy and a lot more.
8107 is the Unit Designation for this Lego set. The Minifigures include a devastator and Hitomi.

Having a brand new rolling robot base and a powerful weapon that’s available in the field by no one but Meca one. Having a wheeled mobile fortress that features some rotating laser guns that scatter prison pods and sphere launchers. One of the only thing which stands on Ryo’s way would be to a machine which flies and is on fire that has got a firing rocket and claws which slashes all in its path.
It has a hunter A. 13 Unit Designation. There are six iron drones, two skeletons, a Meca One, and Ryo as mentioned above.

Sets from the Year 2008
1. 8111 River Dragon
This has got powerful large turbines for a lot of action underwater. This fights well on land. Wherever these robots are, this Lego set can get them. It has a quick attack unit design. There's a Ha-Ya-To Minifigure there too.

2. 8112 Battle Arachnoid
This has fangs that can pierce armors as quickly as possible. It is a robot which is jet-powered and it is quite dangerous too. Its unit design is Red Spider 8112. There's a Devastator Minifigure too.

3. 8113 Assault Tiger
This is a battle machine that works with a lot of heavy weapons. It is armored for strong battle. It has a tiger stripe, spinning buzz saw, camouflage. These transforms into a little robotic weapon. Whenever it wants, it could always handle and kick the ass out of any foe. Dreadfully Ripping L.20 is the Unit design for this Lego set the Minifigure inside is none other than Takeshi.

4. 8114 Chameleon Hunter
This Lego set can easily flight but for short periods. These flight bursts look like large leaps. This Chameleon Hunter could jump and disappear using the aid of different camp phores that are available in the armor zaylium plating. They appear out of nowhere and then they get attacked with flame blasters and claws which are thrice the length. The agile mini robot could use the double blades mantis to break and pierce through the circuitry under the robotic battle armor machine.
Called Illusion Power L.12 as its Unit Design name. Hikaru is seen here as the Minifigure.

5. 8115 Dark Panther
This comes from nowhere but the shadows. It strikes without saying hello. The drones attack and detach using a jetpack. It has a weapon converting and controlling which changes to a mini robotic scout whenever it desires.
8115, or darkness panther is the unit design. It has two iron drones and a devastator which serve as mini figures of this Lego set.

6. 8117 Storm Lasher
This feels and looks like a colossal dragon supersonic fly. The storm lashed has turbine fans with diamond edges and heat blade mandibles. It has sensors that are powered by infrared. These could see through the canopy of the forest. Using its long-range cannon plasma rays. There is a mini robot drone that has camera relays that helps to find ground enemies. 8117 is the Unit Design Name. It is also known as a Ghost Dragonfly. It has an Iron Drone which serves as a Minifigure for this Lego set.

So there we have it. That closes this ultimate guide to Lego Exo Force. We enjoyed writing this piece because now you know all you need to about Lego Exo Force. Apart from that, you have an ultimate guide on where the story came from, what happened over the years, the family ties and cross friendships, and best of all a list of all the Exo Force Lego sets available. Thank you once more. Was so glad to have you come check this out.
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