Become an ultimate collector when you buy the LEGO Luke Skywalker Landspeeder 75341 Set.

by Mark Gini

The Luke Skywalker Landspeeder had its firstappearance in the very first Star Wars movie. Star Wars featured this Ship allthrough the Star Wars movie franchise. The Ship contained lots of cool featuresand was very. Portable. Luke Skywalker also used this Ship in the original Starwars movie. The Landspeeder appeared to be a car that floats. Ever since thedebut of the Landspeeder in the first Star Wars movie, the Landspeeder can bespotted throughout the Star Wars movie franchise. The Landspeeder is known forits awesome display feature and is a sight. 

lego lights

Are you, perhaps, a fan of the Landspeederused by Luke Skywalker? Or maybe you are a Star Wars collector. If you are, youwill be excited with Legos' new announcement of releasing a new UltimateCollectors set. What Lego set could it be? Well, you guessed it, it's the LegoUltimate Collector Luke Skywalker Landspeeder 75341 set. The Lego team hasdesigned the set to be a replica of the Landspeeder used by Luke Skywalker inthe Star Wars movie. The Lego set features amazing display details and style.The set could be a good way to relieve the day's stress. The Lego LukeSkywalker Landspeeder set is rated 18+. You can expect lots of cool details anda fun build overall. This blog post will show you everything you need to knowabout this Lego set. To begin, let's start with the Lego sets buildingexperience. 


The Lego Luke Skywalker Landspeeder set hasfun and technical building experience. The set comprises one thousand pluspieces divided into fifteen small plastic bags. Bags one and two contain piecesfor the base of the set. So by the end of both bags, you should have alreadybuilt a base for your Landspeeder. The third and fourth bags contain piecesused to add flesh to the base, giving it more depth and detail. Bags five andsix, again, adds more depth to the set and helps slowly but sturdily bring theshape of the Lego set to life. Bags seven, eight, and nine contain pieces usedto complete the internal build. So by this build stage, you should already havean idea of what the finished Landspeeder should look like. The remaining bagsadd finishing touches to the set, including body details and color. By thisstage, you should have noticed some different building technics alreadyexecuted by you. You might have also noticed some new building technics adoptedby Lego. 

Unfortunately, though, the building of thisset is a one-person affair. If you plan to construct this set and would love toget the most out of it, you would need to set a specific time for that purpose.This Lego set is not something you build on the run. So make sure you set outenough time to build the set. The Legos set also comes with an instructionmanual which you can use to pass roadblocks you might encounter along the way.If you are new to our Lego set and still desire to build this set, it will behelpful to follow the instructions found in the manual. Not only are theinstructions clear, but diagrams and descriptions also accompany them to helpyou better understand each step. The Instruction Manuals also containinformation about Landspeeder and the Star Wars company partnership with Lego.Pieces of information from the manual are well detailed and make the buildingexperience much smoother. Aside from a great building experience, this Lego setalso contains amazing features. 

lego 75341



The Lego Luke Skywalker Landspeeder set is anUltimate Collectors set built for display. You see this almost immediately; youcompletely get the box. Even without opening the box, you are already filledwith awe just by looking at the picture of the Landspeeder. And once you aredone once building this set, you will notice the set looks good from all anglesand is well detailed. And to make your display even more breathtaking, Legooffers you a stand to help elevate your set. The stand comes with a board thatcontains valuable information about the set. These cool features all helpimprove the overall display brilliance of the Lego Luke Skywalker Landspeederset. So, if you are a die-hard fan of Lego displayable sets, this is one topurchase. 

lego 75341


The Lego Luke Skywalker Landspeeder also comeswith two Minifigures. One Minifigure is exclusive to the set, while the otheris not so exclusive. The first set represents farm boy Luke Skywalker, whilethe other Minifigure is C 3PO Minifigure which comes with details exclusive tothis Lego set. You can display these Minifigures on the stand with the set orinside the Landspeeder. This helps add diversity to how You can display theset. 

lego 75341

     SET SIZE.

The Lego Luke Skywalker Landspeeder can beconsidered a medium size set but a large Lego project. The set comes with atotal of 1890 pieces. When completely put together, this Lego set measures 4inches high, 12 inches wide, and 20 inches in dimension. This measurementexcludes the display board. As a collector and display set, overall, this setmeets everything a display setting should be and is worth being on top of yourshelf this year. 

lego 75341


The Lego Luke Skywalker Landspeeder set can bepurchased from Lego stores in the US and Europe. If you can not find any egostore in your country, you can get the set directly from the Lego website. TheLego Luke Skywalker Landspeeder set costs a total of 240 dollars. It may costslightly higher on Amazon and other online stores. But overall, this Lego setis worth the 240 dollars it is priced at due to the number of details you aregiven. And Speaking of details, there is one more cool detail to include inthis set: our Lego light kit. 


Our Lego Lights are to die for! They help addor breathe life into your set. Our Lego lights are the ultimate detail toattach to an ultimate collector's set without overselling it. But if you arenew to our Lego lights, you are probably wondering how to install them. Well,installation is very simple, and you have our manual to guide you. But to makesure your experience with our Lego lights is one hundred percent, here are afew suggestions that, if implemented, will improve your installation process.

lego lights


As soon as your Lego lights arrive, it wouldbe safe for you to take a few minutes to inspect them. This ensures that allshipped lights and accessories look and are in perfect condition. It is notunusual for light kits to sustain damage during shipping. This is because ourlights are very fragile. So to ensure you get premium quality Lego lights, makesure you inspect your package. If you notice any damages during the inspection,request a replacement using your 30days warranty card. 

Light Kit for Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder 75341


Well, if you are new to our Lego lights anddon't know how to go about it, we have covered you. We have included a manualas part of the light kit. This manual is well-detailed and will help you getthe most out of your installation process. As you work with our lights,remember that they are fragile. So ensure to handle them with care. 

Light Kit for Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder 75341


Once you have successfully installed your Legolights, it's time to find out if you have done a good job and if your light kitworks. To do this, try putting on and off your lights using your remote. Also,try living it on for some time to check the stability of the lights. If thelights are not stable, find out through the manual if that's part of thefeatures. If not, find out why the lights are not stable. It could be aconnection issue. Once you notice any issues with your light kits, try and fixthem. If not, put your Lego set on display for all to see.  

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