Go on to save the world when you build the LEGO Horizon Forbidden West Tall Neck 76989 Set.
As far as epic games go, the Horizon ForbiddenWest game on PlayStation 5 is to die for. It stands as one of the bestadventure games on console, with only the God of War Ragnarock coming in secondplace. The game follows the story of the character Aloy as she finds themissing pieces of the puzzle needed to save the world. You also get to battlemachines along the way. This epic PlayStation five-game comes with a lot ofcool machine-looking creatures, One of the most striking of all the creaturesis the Tall Neck.
This machine creature was known for itsstriking appearance, being super huge and with, well, a tall neck. These hugegentle giants were known to store helpful information you could only accessfrom the top of their heads. We remember scenes of Aloy climbing to the top ofthese creatures to tap valuable information.
Are you a fan of the Horizon game series? Haveyou become especially fond of the new installment, Forbidden west? If so, thenyou would love Lego's newest addition this year. Yes, in May 2022, Legoreleased a set adaptation of the Horizon Forbidden West. The set's name is theLego Horizon Forbidden West Tall Neck. The set brick pieces help design theTall Neck from the PlayStation five game. You also get to design a whole sceneto give more life to the set. Are you a fan of the PlayStation game? Or are youjust a crazy Lego fan? Regardless of whose side you are on, this is a game thatshould be on your shelf this year. But to further convince you to get this Legoset, let's look at some cool things this Lego set provides.

The building of the Lego Horizon ForbiddenWest Tall Neck set is fascinating. Though the main focus of this Lego set is onthe Tall Neck, Lego didn't just focus on it alone. Lego took the time to createa whole scene around it. They even went as far as to include a Minifigure andan additional machine beast. All these cool features you would get to buildwith the help of eight rapped brick bags. You would begin with the building ofthe base, which includes grasses and other elements from the game. Though thebase building comes with many cool details, you could probably finish it in 30minutes if you are an experienced builder. Once you are done with the buildingof the best, you would now build the main attraction of the set, the Tall Neck.Building this Lego set is fun and can be accomplished using many cool Legotechniques.

This set is considered an 18+ set because ofthe build and could be considered pretty complicated for new Lego builders.Regardless, if you are new and still want to enjoy the thrill of this Lego set,you could accomplish it with the help of the step instruction manual. For theinstruction manual, Lego outdid itself. The set is awesome, from the coverdesign to the overall content. The instructions for the building are clear andeasy to understand. So we believe that with the help of the instruction manual,both new and old builders can get the best out of it. Aside from the set'sawesome building experience, the set also comes with a lot of cool features.The next heading will shed more light on that.
One of, if not the most marketed feature ofthis Lego set, it gives you a fully immersive experience. That's right; itmakes you feel like you are reliving a moment from the game. To get the mostout of this feeling, you must put yourself in the building experience. Oh, you alsowould need to have either played or watched the gameplay of the game onYouTube. If you do this, you will truly get the best out of this feature.

Another cool thing about this Lego set is theMinifigure for Aloy. Unlike other minifigures, this Lego Minifigure comes withlots of cool details, which makes it look as close to Aloy as possible. Youhave stickers representing markings on her body, a nice new rubber hairdetailing, and a cool outfit to complete the look. And to accompany all this,you also have two cool facial expressions to help you gain the fool experience.If you have enjoyed playing the game, then you would appreciate more fully theeffort put in by the Lego team for the design of this Minifigure.
Unlike some Lego sets, which need a lot ofstickers to stand out a look as authentic as possible, this Lego set isdifferent. The set comes with 12 stickers that are very easy to attach.Attaching only twelve stickers helps reduce the time you would have used tobuild the whole set. This set is one to get if you are not a fan of Legostickers.

Lego outdid itself in the production of thisset. They used only the finest materials in this set's production. The Legosquality control personnel seriously scrutinized all sets from this collection.Then Lego also makes sure all sets are safe and would cause no harm to thegeneral public. If you have Children, that shouldn't stop you from getting thisset. You could build it with kids around. Only make sure to put the tiny piecesabove the ground where it would be difficult for little kids to get their handson them. Also, you do not need to worry because this Lego set is veryuser-friendly.
The Lego Horizon Forbidden West Tall Neck setcomes with a total of 1222 pieces. The Lego set is also a very cool displaypiece with accurate proportions. This set measures about 13.5 inches long, 9.5inches wide, and 6.5 inches deep when fully put together. The set's display isfirm and fun to watch.

You could get this Lego set from Lego storesaround you. If there are no Lego stores where you live, you could also try anylocal toy stores. You could get the Lego set directly from the Lego website ifboth options fail. The only problem you might have is that you may have to waitup to a week for your set to arrive. The Lego Horizon Forbidden West Tall Neckset is sold for 89.99 dollars. This is affordable when you look at all the cooldetails you would be working with. So do not hesitate to include this set inyour collection this year. This set also allows you to customize it more usingour special light kit. Let's look into that in the next section.
To fully complete the look of your LegoHorizon Forbidden West Tall Neck set, you could attach Le3go lights to it. OurLego lights would help you unlock all the hidden cool details you may not havenoticed. This feature also helps your set look awesome in the dark. You couldorder yours now by going to our light kit section and then new arrivals. Onceyou have successfully purchased a light kit, it will be shipped to you within aweek. So that you do not feel like you are waiting, we often suggest you orderour light kit symoltaniously with your Lego set, so they arrive almostsimultaneously. Once your Lego set arrives, here are a few things to rememberbefore you hurry up and install it.
Once your light kits arrive, it would be wise you take a little time to inspect them, ensuring they are in good condition. If you notice any issues to your light kit caused during shipment, feel free to report it and ask for a replacement. Doing this immediately after the kits arrive would save you unnecessary stress when you start the installation process.
You can only begin this process after completely building your Horizon Forbidden West Tall Neck set. To do this successfully, each light kit has a special blueprint manual to help you through the process. There are also many videos and articles you could watch and read on our website before embarking on this journey. Feel free to make use of all the recourses at your disposal.
Once you are done installing your Lego set, you can now take time off to test run it, making sure it is in the best condition. To do this, check for signs of short-circuiting, as this could help you quickly identify the problem. Once you have located the problem, be sure to fix it. Once you are sure everything is in the best condition, you can finally relive your Epic Horizon Forbidden West Tall Neck moment in style as you put this set on display.
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