LEGO Infinity Saga Thor’s Hammer 76209 Set Review

by Mark Gini

Are you a fan of the Marvel Universe? If yes,then you must love the Thor character. Thor is a popular Marvel character basedon the greek god of thunder Thor. The most significant thing about this Marvelcharacter is his hammer which you had to be worthy to lift off the ground andcombat. More like the sword in the stone situation, but this time a hammer. Thehammer is known for having cool features like, of course, being able to summonlightning from the sky. The hammer could also act like a boomerang. This meansyou could use it to knock down your enemies, knowing it with revert back toyou. Thor and other worthy members of the Avengers willed and caused majordamages with this hammer over the years, an example being the Avenger InfinitySaga Movie. This hammer is not only iconic but one of the most cherishedweapons in the Marvel Universe, alongside Captain America's Shield. 

lego lights

Since we already have a Captain America Shieldreplica in Lego form, it is only fitting to have Thor's hammer. Well, if that'show you have been thinking, you would love Lego's new release, " The LegoInfinity Saga Thor's Hammer Set. " This Lego set is properly designed andcoated using Lego Tiles, making it look as realistic as possible. If you areThor's hammer fan, you will love what Lego has done with this set. Do you havekids who can't get enough of Thor and his action on the big screen? If yes, youshould consider getting them this Lego set as a nice present this year. The setcomes with insane details and a building experience to die for. If you arestill not sure about this set, stick around as we walk you through everythingabout the Lego Infinity Saga Thor's Hammer set.

lego 76209


If you love Thor, you should consider addingthis Lego set to your collection this year. This set offers a buildingexperience that is so satisfying that you would want to build it over and overagain. If you are a professional Lego builder, you will find the technics usedin building this set basic. The set comes with five number bags and a few otherbags that are not numbered. Inside these bags lies the bricks required for thebuilding of the Lego set. This Lego set is divided into building stages. In thefirst stage, you can decide to build the handle of the hammer. Then you wouldneed to build the headpiece and finish your building experience with thedisplay base. Once the hammer has been coupled, you will immediately notice howsturdy it is. The hammer is firm and can be carried without the fear of fallingapart. 

lego 76209

If you are a new Lego builder looking to buildthis set, Lego's got you covered with a nicely well-written manual. This manualwould help get you up to speed with all you need to know about this Lego set.This summary is done on the first and second pages of the manual. With theremaining pages of the manual, you are given a list of all the bricks requiredto build the set. The remaining pages also contain step-by-step information onhow to go about building the set, with a diagram. If you do not like manuals,you could also check out videos on YouTube explaining each build stage.Overall, you will only get the most out of building this set if you put yourheart and mind into it. Aside from an amazing building experience, this Legoset also contains cool features and hidden compartments. Let's find out moreabout this in the next section.  

lego 76209



The Lego Thor's hammer comes with a cool displaybase. This base features a board with all information about the set and hammer.The display floor is designed to look like the soil of Ragnarok and evencontains little elements made to represent lightening emitted from the hammer.The only downside about the base is that it is not as sturdy as you wouldexpect from a Lego set. This is mostly because you must build the base usingLego bricks. Another downside about the base of the set is the color which somemay argue does not seem to fit well with the overall build. 

lego 76209


Another cool feature of the set is the hiddencompartment on the hammer's head. The compartment is deep enough and designedto store Odin's Fire stand. The hidden compartment is located on the side ofthe head. You can access it by simply pulling off the bricks that hide thecompartment. 


The Lego Infinity Saga Thor's Hammer set alsocomes with a nice small Thor Minifigure. This Minifigure is dressed in Thor'scombat attire, including his cape. The most significant thing about this Legoset is that it comes with two faces. One face is normal, while the other sideof the face includes glowing eyes. The Minifigure has a spot for display on thestand built to display the hammer, making this Lego set display masterpieces. 

lego 76209

     SET SIZE.

The Lego Thor's hammer is considered a largeset. When completely put together, the Lego set is quite huge. The Lego setcomes with a total of 979 brick pieces used to build the set. The set is solarge it may not be able to stand properly when displayed on your Lego shelf.The set measures about 18 Inches high and 11 inches wide. This makes it anexcellent display set.


You can purchase the Lego Thor's Hammer fromthe Lego website or any Lego store in your area. You could also check otheronline stores like Amazon and Brick City. If you buy a set from the Lego onlinestore, note that it will take a week for your set to be delivered. It couldtake even longer if you live outside the US and Europe. The set costs 100dollars on the Lego website but could cost more if you go through other onlinestores. You are guaranteed to spend a hundred dollars for the set at any Legostore, online or offline. Once you have purchased your Lego set, one more coolfeature is a must-have for your set. This cool feature is our Lego lights. 

lego lights


Well, as far as beauty and perfection go, yourLego Infinity Saga Thors Hammer is high on that list. But you can make it evenhigher with the help of our amazing Lego lights. Our lights are made ofhigh-quality led materials designed to work perfectly with your Lego set. Butto get the most out of using our amazing lights, you must follow these threesimple steps. 

Light Kit for Thor's Hammer 76209


As soon as your Lego lights arrive, it wouldbe safe for you to take a few minutes to inspect them. This ensures that allshipped lights and accessories look and are in perfect condition. It is notunusual for light kits to sustain damage during shipping. This is because ourlights are very fragile. So to ensure you get premium quality Lego lights, makesure you inspect your package. If you notice any damages during the inspection,request a replacement using your 30days warranty card. 


Well, if you are new to our Lego lights anddon't know how to go about it, we have covered you. We have included a manualas part of the light kit. This manual is well-detailed and will help you getthe most out of your installation process. As you work with our lights,remember that they are fragile. So ensure to handle them with care. 

Light Kit for Thor's Hammer 76209


Once you have successfully installed your Legolights, it's time to find out if you have done a good job and if your light kitworks. To do this, try putting on and off your lights using your remote. Also,try living it on for some time to check the stability of the lights. If thelights are not stable, find out through the manual if that's part of thefeatures. If not, find out why the lights are not stable. It could be aconnection issue. Once you notice any issues with your light kits, try and fixthem. If not, put your Lego set on display for all to see. 

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