38 Mega Lego Constructions You have not seen before

by Nikita P.

In the year 1949, Lego was introduced by the LEGO Group. It is a great feeling when you get a lovely set of colorful plastic bricks and attach them to build nothing but wonders.

Today I’ll be taking my time to show you some incredible Lego models you don’t get to see every day. These can’t be easily found in neighborhood stores like all theother Lego sets available there. If you like Lego, then you would enjoy this article. This article has jaw-dropping, complex, and, yes, massive Lego sets for all the Lego fans out there, this one for you. 

Since the first Lego sets Box was sold in 1949, adults and children have genuinely enjoyed the colorful nature of jamming up different Lego bricks together. Through the years, Lego haslet people from other parts of the world enjoy recreating scenes from their favorite movies and then merging them to create something new on their own. The masterminds and Lego designers these days carry these traditions ofhands-on dreaming and then telling stories using higher grander scales.

Here we get to find quite crazy structures which have been built. There are fictional vehicles that look life-sized. There are also multi-million pieces scaled recreations with largecountries and cities, and those as shocking as they could be would all be a simple functioning apartment. Read on and rediscover that wonder you had as a child.

I’ll be showing you a collection of 40+ Incredible Lego constructions. Some of these sets are pretty large and created in their best detail. Are you ready? Let’s get to it. 

 1. Kennedy Space Center

The Kennedy Space Center has about a thousand five hundred and six square feet, made up of about seven hundred and fifty thousand Lego bricks. This giant construction took a lot morethan two thousand five hundred hours to build.

This brings architecture and space together. The NASA Vehicle Assembly Building holds an iconic and integral place in this present modern age of human exploration. It can be found atthe Kennedy Space Center at Merritt Island, Florida. This stands as one of the most significant single-story buildings available in the world. It was done and completed in the year 1966. It was constructed originally to bemerged with Saturn V rockets used in preparation for its launch. Over the years, this Lego set has had a lot of upgrades. A lot of it has been adapted to accommodate the Space Shuttle and looking at things recently. There’sthe open space launch system that could soon be available for purchase.

This Lego masterpiece has a one to nine hundred per scale. Some dimensions are not explained here correctly to describe the visual balance between some of these critical features. Thecore model utilizes what is known as a standard 32 x 32 stud base. There’s also the addition of the Launch Control center, which has an extended crawler way that has been adequately created to serve as a modular expansionwhich could be done by the desire of the person arranging the bricks of this Lego set.

This Lego set also has its very own SLS Mobile Launch Platform, its Crawler Transporter, and four SLS vehicles, which have their configurations. This grants very few display choicesaccording to the personal preference of the user.

Kennedy Space Center

2. Lego Church of Christ

The Church of Christ Lego set has a balcony view that looks toward the chancel. You could see adorable seating for a choir of about eighty members. They could be found under the mosaics.The roof over the mosaic and the chancel alcoves is nothing other than glass. Whenever you settle to look at the history of the entire church wholly, you’ll notice that the devil has been trying to spend more than enoughtime to destroy what cannot be touched. With Jesus, our Lord, we would always stand firm and strong. There are misdeeds and scandals which have had roles to play in our lives and different people who were quite good before. 

Still, because of the presence of power or some position, they have decided not to want to remain good people anymore in several ways than one which sets our hearts pm fire using righteous anger. All through all of this, weknow that our hearts would forever remain pure. More often than not, in several different ways, we could burn our hearts when we get angry over little things of this life. Things like relationships, people, were tamperingwith our feelings, someone is taking an item of vanity which we like, and so on. Well, the thing is, this Lego set shows us that before we all know it, we would go and join the king in heaven. And all the things we’vegathered in this world shall be left behind. That is just it—nothing more and nothing less. 

Lego Church of Christ

3. Aircraft carrier lego model in minifig size by Harry S. Truman.

This beautiful Lego created this Lego set nominated creator, Jeff Pelletier. It has an Omicron Flagship space center which is created down using a lot of details. There’s the 270stud ship, the 105 crews each having bunks. Four levels of the interior have been fully finished.

One of the best things about these Lego models is that they could be found in many online Lego blogs. Of course, this specific one wouldn’t make an exception. This is a completeLego set that goes with full compliments of being an epic aircraft.

The other LEGO creator is a German Lego fan that’s named Malle Hawking. He’s also known as weebleleezer. He doesn’t have all the skills in the German language. Youcould sit and wonder where he got all those Lego Grey bricks from. These must-have represented fortunes in Lego bricks and Lego plates. You might be unsure of how you could create a big ship like this even without paying regardto any colors. But like I said earlier, you could end up in shock because everything is in color Grey. Quite weird, wouldn't you say? 

Aircraft carrier lego model in minifig size by Harry S. Truman

4. LEGO Table

This Lego table has about twenty-two thousand, seven hundred and forty-two pieces which are all clicked together using traditional construction techniques used by Lego. There’salso a 136mm grommet which could be found in the center of this Lego piece. The LEGO set sits on beautifully polished Stainless Steel, which has its hollow section structured and built by an Engineering student from Prussia.It is also topped using a 10mm chest created with products made using Action Glass Company.

This Lego table is created for proper advertising that’s new for both young ladies and gentle young men. Having lots of Lego bricks pieces makes a fun and colorful table.

This brand new advertising agency for boys and girls met the Lego team and told them that they wanted a great, fun, colorful, and creative table in a beautiful Georgian house with veryhigh ceilings, grand spaces, and extraordinary joinery. It has decorations which were available for people that wanted nothing but leave if mind. It was a concise brief, white playful too.

The Lego group recommended that they got rid of these solicitors, got rid of the carpets, the floors would forget about their nineties paint colors and to change the space and make everywhereelse apart from the LEGO table look less colorful. This is quite essential to make the entire room look like a little contemporary art gallery. This helped the table look more beautiful for everyone else to see it lookingway more lifelike. 

lego lights

The proposal which was done also included about a 1.2 x 2 I Metre board room table. This was entirely created out of Lego brick pieces. It had its slab, which was monolithic. It startedusing very random patterns on Lego pieces that were recognizable instantly—using the company's logo to build all of these in relief on the top of the table. These all fell away under glass surfaces. Architects donot typically work as contractors, so it was advantageous for us to remain efficient financially for our clients when we all decided to talk to the Lego group to have this table built for us.

Having about twenty-two thousand Lego pieces clicking together using traditional Lego techniques for construction implies no glue was used. There was a 136mm grommet which was locatedin the middle point. These sat on polished steel, which was utterly stainless.

This ended up being a viral project using the hell of Viral artist Cormac Browne that made use of magic arms, tripods, and clamps all from the sleeve of wizards and camera equipmentto take more than eight thousand photos for two minutes stop frames animation and then for the construction and its installation. 

 LEGO Table

5. London Eye

London would forever remain one of the biggest Hotspot for tourists. It boasts of several excellent and epic attractions like the London eye.

This is a giant Ferris wheel created in 1999, and it was built to celebrate and commemorate the Millennium then. This has since become known and fully loved as what the world now knowsas the London eye.

The London eye has one hundred and thirty-five meters, about four hundred and forty-three feet. It arrived with about thirty-two capsules which are about twenty-five passengers. Thiscreates an eight hundred people capacity.

Having 1700 tonnes of steel created the eye. Some wheels move at half a mile per hour. This takes about thirty minutes for the London eye to make a complete rotation.

This Lego version was created using Lego Digital Design, and it consists of five thousand and ninety-six bricks. This could be a little bit sizable. For all of this, you get about thirty-twocapsules. Each of these captives stays around the eye. It does turn, and it has working doors. All of it has been created and made to accommodate the truth that it’s nothing but just a Lego set. It does its best to stilllook like the natural London eye. 

 London Eye

6. Crawler Town

This is a machine with has more than enough features which could be used for play. They include full-on suspension, functional powered treads used for movement, and it is a completemasterpiece.

I am looking at this from your Love for Toys. They are lovely Steampunk of Lego Moc, which serves as wonderful crawler cities. These could easily remain a true inspiration to lots ofPeter Jackson's upcoming movies.

To begin with, the fact that these could adequately support the weight would remain a magnificent design testament. These would need to be very heavy. There’s a lot of detailspractically everywhere. You would like the planes which have similar information and high amounts of love.

You should make sure you check out some more photos and details on the Love for Toys. You should also check out Flickr for Dave DeGobbi for more epic creations. 

Crawler Town

7. LEGO Sport City

This Lego Sports City has a display that the Hong Kong Lego users Group created. This Lego set was designed to promote the summer Olympic Lego games available or played in Beijing.

As the festivals continue to carry on, the Hong Kong Lego Group users have created excellent reproductions of cities representing upcoming Olympic games. These were all entirely madeout of Lego pieces. These have about three hundred thousand Lego bricks along with about four thousand five hundred mini-figures. These cities have features like sports complexes, swimming arenas, and residential housing.These extraordinary exhibits could be up till the 31st of August from the Grand Century Place from Hong Kong. 

LEGO Sport City

8. Full-Size Lego House

I am talking about the first whole Lego house, which includes its toilet, which flushes, its hot shower, and a bed that’s very comfortable for cute mini-figures, making use of3.3 million plastic bricks created by James May.

These could have been the highest bargain available in the property market. There are two-story houses which were given away just like that for absolutely no reason at all.

That was a drawback that implied that this was made entirely out of Lego bricks. You would end up needing to find a place to leave the Lego set.

James May had just created their first giant-sized Lego house. Gaining help from a thousand helpers, they built the twenty ft tall Lego house through wine estate available in Surrey.

Getting close-up photos for the complete functional house was built using about three point three million bricks colored differently.

Without these volunteers' help, it would have been so challenging to carry on with this process. The Vineyard needed Tybee tire land for the grapes to be harvested appropriately.

If his body collects these by 8 am, it could all be destroyed and broken down using chainsaws; that’s something no one wants to see. 

Full-Size Lego House

9. The Lord of the Rings Rivendell

For all Lego enthusiasts, this is for you. It’s like David Frank and Alice Finch knew what you wanted, and then they remade their favorite Elvin realm for the Rivendell, whichis from the Lord of the Rings Series. In 2013, they used two hundred thousand bricks and featured epic details, including Elven figurines, plant life, and other tiny minuter details: these inspired frames and so much fun. 

The Lord of the Rings Rivendell

10. Taj Mahal

In the year 2016. From Dubai, Lego Land unveiled this incredible replica of the Taj Mahal. That’s a famous building. It was created using reality from its attention to specificdetails, using two hundred and eighty thousand, seven hundred and forty-one bricks. 

Taj Mahal

11. Life-sized X-Wing fighter

This Lego company hired workers to create large and crazy contraptions like this life-sized starfighter from the movies related to star wars. In the end, this lovely model had aboutfive million Lego bricks which weighed about forty-five pounds—ending up being way more than the maximum take-off weight of small aircraft. Since the teams which assembled these star wars fighter knew that they wouldneed to travel with it, they knew that the structure needed to handle damage and stress just like the original model makers. 

Life-sized X-Wing fighter

12. Starship: OSS Pontbriand

This is another beautiful display of epic Lego design. The starship was also known as OSS Pontbriand. Jeff Pelletier created had the Lego masters’ attention to correct details,which came in at around six feet long which also had four interiors adequately furnished. For more Sci-fi which was excellent, it’ll be nice to check out some predicted tech that might never happen.

13. Tallest Lego tower in the world

For several years. Different cities all across the world a fight over designing a Lego tower that would remain the largest. Presently, in Isreal, Tel Aviv holds that position. It isa 118 structure that was launched to follow its original version. It was established by a teacher of a student who was nothing but eight years old. Omer Sayag died suffering from cancer in the year 2014 and had lots of thethings which made him happy all associated with this lovely building. Together with the entire city, they gathered more than enough Lego bricks to create this as a tribute to this young child. 

Tallest Lego tower in the world

14. Allianz Arena model

Created by Lego land, this Resort has its Replica from Lego. Several fans could compete to complete this Lego set and to determine what would be the outcome and how the outer dome wouldlook like. The structure looking around a meter tall, had about thirty thousand different Lego spectators. 

Allianz Arena model

15. Detailed map of Europe

This is an impressive Lego structure. Bruno Kurth and Tobias Reichling created these detailed Lego maps. These, apart from having points of interest, were made entirely out of Lego bricks.They also highlighted the topography of the area in several different colors. In the end, the map has a span of about 12.5 feet and was used around fifty-three thousand, five hundred Lego elements. 

 Detailed map of Europe

16. Life-sized giraffe

This Lego giraffe is so giant it looks like a real-life giraffe. This stood outside Lego land’s discovery of center Boston, and it was built all within twenty-two thousand of thecompany's Duplo bricks. 

Life-sized giraffe

17. Escher's "Relativity"

This was created to look like the 1954 print lithograph created by M.C Escher. The creators known as Andrew Lipson and Daniel Shiu worried that these Lego designs look like a world inthe absence of gravity. These two spent more time creating their Lego mind-bending. They also struggled to look for correct angles to get photographs and to check out their art because these optical illusions which were createdby these angles were not the actual work themselves. 

18. Futurama's New New York

These Lego designs created by Matt DE Lanoy settled down to create this wonderfully made version of New York as inspired by Futurama. This is a fictional town that was showed on theTV series known as Futurama. This structure has several beautiful brand new details from all corners of its remarkable five feet by seven feet arrangement. These included Planet Express, the Robot arms apartments where youcould remember that’s if you follow the series could find characters Fry Live and Bender, the head museum, Momcorp Head Quarters, and a lot more. For all Futurama fans out there, I’m sure I’m not the onlyone hearing this, but I can hear this Lego set calling you name. Do well to answer its call, please. I know getting this Lego set might be tricky, even hard too. But try your best to get it because when you do, I think you’llbe the only one of your friends that can boast of having a Futurama set that has lots of its characters on it. Get this Lego set and have some fun. 

Futurama's New New York

19. Scale model of Japan

This is a subsidiary of the LEGO Group available in Japan and earning its title to have its cross-country effect and having more than five thousand volunteers to create a version ofthe country for the future. This has almost two million Lego bricks. That's quite a lot.

Scale model of Japan

20. A full-sized car

This, in every way, is not safe to drive at all. This complete Lego Volvo Xc90 can be found outside a Lego retailer from Colorado and Vail. It was created initially by Lego engineersfrom California's Lego land. It is also comprised of about two hundred thousand bricks. You might not drive it entirely down the road, but it still makes for a fantastic testament to the artistry of these excellent Legoengineers. 

A full-sized car

21. A380 Airplane

This model for airplanes would always remain one of the biggest to be built at the Legoland Denmark. It has a wingspan of about ten feet and has approximately seventy-five thousand Legobricks. 

A380 Airplane

22. Mount Rushmore

This might be bizarre; this recreation was constructed by several Lego engineers and was located in Denmark’s Lego land. It is created using more than one million Lego bricks. 

Mount Rushmore

23. LEGO Montmartre

This could be found at Lego land, too, recreated adequately through the 18 arrondissements of Paris. This is otherwise known as Montmartre. Several engineers created this at parks, andthey feature more than one million Lego figurines, bricks, miniature mountains, and foliage. 

LEGO Montmartre

24. Full airport

This is featured here as a massive part of the LEGO Jakarta city in Indonesia. This small airport has its surrounding gardens, personnel, planes, and tarmacs. 

Full airport

25. Obama presidential inauguration

After a short while that Barack Obama was assigned the United States president, Lego Land California settled down and agreed to honor the entire occasion by remaking the inaugurationin 2018. Looking at this Lego set, it could take a while for you to settle and notice all the things that were done that day. From Aretha Franklin’s performance to the guests, which were available in their portable toilets.It’s a lovely set when you think about it. 

26. An afternoon of a Faun sculpture

Trying to recreate a famous photo in 20th-century ballet, David Hughes spent a lot of time using about three thousand Lego bricks to make this Lego set look wonderful. For it to look like the dancer, it was created after. 

An afternoon of a Faun sculpture

27. Toy Story sculpture

This is created and located nowhere but downtown Disney marketplace. Lego engineers made this Lego sculpture. This features several buzz light years and other characters from Lego toyStory. 

Toy Story sculpture

28. A Blackberry 9360

Back in the year 2010, when practically everyone still used blackberries. Nathan Sawaya settled down to recreate a substantial BlackBerry version. This was entirely made out of Legobricks. Apart from carrying truly artistic liberties, his blackberry had a working flat screen. This recreated a device that was used by a lot of people in some years of our lives. 

A Blackberry 9360


29. Mona Lisa

The same Nathan Sawaya created that BlackBerry giant Lego sculpture handled several other famous Lego pieces of Pop Culture. Mona Lisa, popularly known by every average living human,was completed after using several thousands of Lego bricks. Her smile was changed and redesigned by no one but Nathan Sawaya. 

Mona Lisa

30. Mythbusters LEGO Ball

Suppose you’re searching for a way to get rid of an old-time Lego myth that depicted a giant ball of legos that should remain intact apart from looking at collisions that appearedeverywhere. These myth busters team recreated the ball, making use of several Legos, and that all proved quickly that these bricks could not withstand the trip from the beginning to the end. 

Mythbusters LEGO Ball

31. Biggest Titanic model in the world

Brynjar Karl Bigisson, who suffered from autism aged 15 from Iceland, created a massive titanic using Lego pieces. When this young man was ten years old, he started working on this Legopiece. This took him about a year to complete. He made use of about fifty-six thousand Lego bricks. I don’t think there’s anyone in this day and age that has not watched Titanic. I know it’s an old movie,but it’s a very cool movie to watch. It’s all a profound and exciting movie to watch. Even though it was said that the Titanic would sink, the owner of the real giant ship did not listen, and it was a sad storyin the end. A lovely woman found love and had to watch him die after the boat hit an iceberg and then it came crashing down. Her man froze to death to save her from dying. You should check it out. This Lego set was made afterthe ship itself. Quite lovely, I’ll say. 

32. Land Rover advertisement

Handling and kicking the ass out of the competition using half a million Lego bricks, these land Rover adverts required about 5,805,846 Lego bricks to build correctly. These made itone of the most significant structures built by the LEGO Group in the world. All these bricks made up to forty-two-foot-tall replicas of this London’s Tower bridge which surrounded artistic scenes that made these advertsforever remain in our hearts. 

Land Rover advertisement

33. Giant T-Rex

This giant T Rex properly representing members of its species can be seen just sitting outside the World Lego Place in Florida. There’s this big T Rex which has its towers allabove the crowd. It is made up of about eighty thousand bricks. 

34. Polar bear sculpture

This Lego set was created by Kenny Sean. It is a life-sized polar bear that is displayed at the Philadelphia Zoo. It has more than ninety-five thousand bricks, and it took around onethousand one hundred days to make. 

 Polar bear sculpture

35. Egyptian Pharaoh

Here they settled down to make them a very tall Lego set. Precisely, at a point in time, one of the most elevated Lego sets in the world was this sculpture which depicted an EgyptianPharoah. It stands at around sixteen feet tall, and it weighed so much. A ton was too small to quantify its weight. Visitors could enjoy the size of this Lego set. It got a lot of attention from several different visitorsat Lego land available at Windsor. 

Egyptian Pharaoh

36. Hero bot 9000

This could be found sitting at a Lego store at Malls in America which could be found in Minnesota, Bloomington. There’s also Hero bot 9000, a thirty-four-foot tall robot comprisedof a lot more than 2000000 Lego bricks. In the end, this was quite a giant Lego set. 

Hero bot 9000

37. Brickley the sea monster

Since the year 1997, This Lego set was created to look like an incredible, friendly sea monster. It has won the affection of several people from Disney world. All through time, thiscreature has been remade using a hundred and seventy thousand Lego bricks. It also stretches and ends up being thirty feet long. 

Brickley the sea monster

38. Life-size LEGO forest

This life-size Lego forest could be located in the rural parts of Australia. Lego engineers have created miniature forests using life-sized versions of flowers and trees to stand prettytall on the middle points of deserts. These all started several locals from Broken Hills. There are also those from New South Wales. After its inception in 2012, there were several more ways to become a master as everythingrelated to Lego. Looking at this Lego forest is one of them.

Life-size LEGO forest

Well, that concludes my list of 40 + Mega Lego Constructions you have not seen before. I am sure some die-hard Lego fans might have seen some of these Lego sets before reading this article.But you can’t tell me for the fact that you have seen all forty-five of them before you read this article. If you tell me something like that, trust me when I say this, but I would find it very hard to believe you. Becausethere are some Lego sets here that are very hard to find. In fact, after reading this article, you might think some of the LEGO sets here are just objects of someone's imagination. But they are all real Lego sets.


lego lights

The sizes of some of these Lego sets are thrilling, shocking, and fantastic at the same time. Like, look at the very long periods used in the creation of some of these Lego sets. Itdoesn’t seem like something that just anyone quickly built. Kudos to people like that young 15-year old took almost a year to finish creating his Lego set. You can imagine if that young chap gave up on his dream. Ifhe did give up, his Lego set and his name wouldn’t have been mentioned in this article. So this goes to say that if you’re passionate about something, work towards it, put all your energy into it and watch it growand blossom. This article was indeed tiring to write, but I’m glad I wrote it. It has aided in giving me perspective on things. Before, I thought that die-hard Lego fans or collectors had or knew about all Lego setsavailable, but this article has shown me otherwise. It has shown me that true fans would do anything to remake the things they love using other things.

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